About Allison (or Ally)
I am a mom to 5, wife, daughter, sister, and friend striving to make people happy & the world a bit better. I married my high school sweetheart Chris in 2003, right after graduating from UVA. We lived in Chicago and then Scottsdale before coming home to Virginia in 2019 and settling in Crozet. With all of our children currently in the Albemarle County Public School system, in all 3 levels of school (elementary, middle and high school), I also have a personal, vested interest in the success and betterment of our county schools.
Personal Experience
Each of my children faces their own individual challenges/barriers at school, and my daily involvement in their school experiences has directly prepared me for service with the Board. One of my sons (10 years old, in 4th grade) spent years in the foster system until 2017 when my husband and I adopted him and our daughter (his biological sister who is 8 years old, in 2nd grade). They both experienced trauma related to their early childhood experiences, but my son also has been diagnosed with a significant genetic disorder contributing to a range of physical and mental health issues, including autism spectrum disorder. As a result, he currently has an extensive IEP and has required considerable involvement by the school’s special education resources and administration, with limited success and progress. In advocating for him and for the fulfillment of his special needs, I have seen the strengths of the County’s special education programs, as well as the challenges they face. One of my kids (13 years old, in 8th grade) is a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community. Her (her pronoun of choice) confidence and strength is inspiring, and I am determined to ensure that she (and all students) feel safe and supported in our schools. She and her twin brother (also 13 years old and in 8th grade, who is an athlete and more ‘typical’ middle-schooler), have found a great community in the County schools. However, my oldest son (17 years old, and a Senior in High School) struggles with mental health challenges which were greatly exacerbated by the pandemic’s social distancing restrictions and extended remote learning.

Professional Experience
While my personal experience as a mom to five diverse ACPS students should certainly qualify me for a position on the Board in its own right, it is that depth of first-hand perspective coupled with my extensive business and philanthropic background that will likely set me apart from other candidates. As an owner and the Chief Operating Officer at Fidelis, I was primarily responsible for planning, developing, implementing, coordinating, and evaluating all company programs, initiatives, and fiscal and administrative functions, as well as overseeing the main operating units of the company. After selling that business in 2015, I was able to devote more of my time to endeavors near and dear to me, including serving as vice president of a very active PTO and adopting our two youngest kids. Most recently, I was appointed to the Board of Directors of Reclaimed Hope Initiative, a local support and advocacy organization focused on strengthening and empowering families navigating foster care, adoption, and raising children with disabilities, where some of my many responsibilities include adopting the annual budget and providing fiscal oversight to the organization.